Peach Juice Concentrate is prepared concentrating filtered unfermented fruit juice expressed of clean, sound, mature and fresh Peaches. The product shall be 100% natural and being prepared, processed, packaged and delivered in accordance with current good manufacturing practices and under strict sanitary conditions.
100% Peach
Besides its refreshing taste and aroma, peaches are rich in carotenoids and offer a variety of health benefits. Possess significant antioxidant properties. The presence of chlorogenic acid in peaches also contributes to their protective effects. Antioxidants such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-crytoxanthin help in scavenging the oxygen-derived free radicals and protect the body against the harmful effects of various diseases. Product can be used as ingredient for various applications in the Fruit Based Beverage Market, Baking Industry, Smoothies and Fruit Preps.